First things first...
You've already made the commitment to try and find a way to lose those extra layers of fat, and want to find a solution for how to lose stomach fat, so why not make sure that you read this entire article in its's worth your 5 min I promise :).
Now to move onto the REAL reason why you decided to jump on the computer and search for ways to lose that pesky belly fat...
One of the most important things that you need to understand about yourself is that you are NOT alone in your fight to lose unwanted fat, I was once there, and countless others are in that same position that you are in today. Take myself for example, I was once overweight and didn't know the first thing about losing weight, exercising or weight training; that was 15 years ago. It was then that I fell in love with the sport of bodybuilding, and have been a competitive bodybuilder ever since.
The one thing that I notice above all other factors is that people just like you who are desperately seeking a solution to their problem of losing stomach fat are constantly being fed half truths or massively inaccurate information. This leads to those endless searches on Google that usually lead to you typing away the phrase "how to lose stomach fat" night after night. Then when you decide on going with one of these so called "solutions" or fad diets (that almost always require a pretty penny), you're once again left disappointed...still with that unwanted and pesky belly fat.
Look out for these signs when picking through all the junk out there:
1. Don't pay attention to fad diets, they don't work...never have and never will (I'll explain why)
2. Don't pay attention to anyone that tells you need to eat very little or far less to lose weight! This is so far from the truth it's not even funny. If you want to burn fat, it's in fact the complete opposite (I'll explain in a bit).
3. Those who say exercise is not needed to burn fat might be right on one side of the argument, but are missing the big picture (you'll see why in a second).
4. Low fat or fat free diets are pointless and will only increase your bodies resistance to burning fat ( this too is explained ).
5. Those who say that you don't need supplements in aiding you're fight for fat loss might be correct on some level, however they forget to mention that something as simple as a daily multi vitamin will not only naturally boost your bodies ability to burn fat, but you keep you healthy as well.
So now you know what to watch out for, and why things might not have worked out as you planned in the past with your valiant efforts to lose stomach fat. So to help you along and help answer that age long question of "how to lose stomach fat" here are some very important pointers:
Tip # 1 - Eat The Right Foods, At The Right Times, In The Right Amounts!
Probably the most misunderstood concept of fat loss is the way one has to eat to lose weight and burn fat. It is a commonly held belief that to lose weight and burn the fat, one needs to make sure they consume less food and less often, as well as eliminate many certain kinds of nutrient rich foods that supposedly "make us fat".
This is simply not true! In fact to lose weight and burn unwanted fat, you actually have to eat the right nutrient rich foods, more often throughout the day (between 5 to 6 meals a day).
Eating too little will slow your metabolism by a drastic rate and actually cause you to keep the weight you already have and even gain more fat in the process, which puts one in a very frustrating situation. Eating properly at the right times and in the right amounts will in effect boost your body's metabolism and kick your own natural fat burning machine into high gear!
Tip # 2 - Exercise Properly, Safely & at The Right Times!
Ok, it's a very commonly known fact that ones needs to exercise to burn fat and lose unwanted weight, but what's less known and understood by the population is HOW & WHEN to exercise. No...just going for a jog everyday when you rise at 6am won't do the trick
Your body works on a natural internal time clock, and when combined with the right diet, your body will be in a peak energy and fat burning phase during certain periods of the day much more then others, so it pays to exercise at the proper times of the day and in proper fashion.
Proper & Safe exercises and techniques can help make a huge difference between reaching your weight & fat loss goals and staying frustrated jumping from one "solution" & "new diet" to another.
Tip # 3 - Proper Supplementation with the Right Supplements Are a BIG Boost to You're Efforts!
One of the most overlooked areas of any diet, weight loss and fitness program, are the arena of supplements. Most individuals acquire their supplementation knowledge from four main sources....all of which are usually very inaccurate, uneducated in the matter, and highly biased.
These sources usually end up being, doctors, friends, supplement or store advertising and worst of all the local and national media. If there are any worse and inaccurate sources of information regarding supplements, fat loss, and fitness, I have yet to find them.
The truth is that PROPER use of natural supplements can add a major boost to your campaign to burn fat, lose weight and most importantly increase your overall health. The right supplements contrary to what most people believe will help to drastically increase the speed and effectiveness of your results, while helping you become more healthy and stronger, both physically and mentally.
Tip # 4 - Most Popular Diets Are Over Hyped & Will End Up In a Failed Weight Loss & Fat Burn Campaign!
Sorry, but that's the simple truth! This is of course not to say that no one has ever had any success with diets such as the low carbohydrate or fat free diets, but the success rate is rare and far in between for a huge number of reasons.
Most of these "fad" diets will also bring with them a host of short term and long term problems. The human body is designed to keep fat, gain fat, burn fat, and to add or lose muscle, and believe it or not you're the one at the helm and in control of what direction you want your body to go.
You need the proper diet, exercise, sleep, and supplement schedules lined up in perfect unison, and none of these fad diets are the right way to go.
Tip # 5 - Super Low Fat & Fat Free Diets Are a Horrible Idea That Actually Hinder Your Body From Burning Fat The Way It Was Naturally Meant To!
This is one of those very much overlooked facts about dieting and fat loss. What very few know and understand (this includes many doctors by the way ) is that the right fats in the right amounts are required by your body to actually stay healthy, and burn unwanted stores of fat.
Yes, I know this sounds like a catch 22, but the science behind this so called "phenomenon" is actually very simple. The Right Fats are actually triggers to your body telling it to produce more of the natural hormones that are responsible, for energy, health, muscle growth, and of course an increased rate of fat burning.
Add the right fats in the right amounts to your diet, and you will give your body a huge natural boost that you've been seeking all this time.
Sometimes doing it on your own isn't enough, and I understand, I've been there! Learn how to lose weight, keep it off, and stay healthy from a group of competitive bodybuilders, athletes, and trainers.
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